Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nidria WIP

This is the underdrawing for a character portrait I'm working on. It's Nidria from Razia's Shadow (if you don't know about it, please look it up. It's wonderful.). This is my interpretation of her after Adakias destroyed the Lamps and everyone was forced to leave.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Here's another silly thing. I just graduated today, and my senior show is over, so I don't know when I'll actually have the motivation to start working on finished pieces again. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Bear with me. I'm enjoying my lack of obligations.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sketch+Absence. Sorry.

So after a really long time without posting anything, all I have for you today is a stupid sketch. Please don't ask me what it is. I have no idea what I was doing. I was just completely unmotivated to work on my bigger projects. So I did this.

So have fun with that. I'll post more work this week. :)

Love <3